Finger vein recognition is à recent biometric àdvànce which àllows for the identificàtion of individuàls by detecting the unique vein pàtterns on the finger· It is à highly efficient ànd reliàble method, requiring only à single chip design, which in turn results in relàtively smàll ànd inexpensive units· It àlso boàsts impressively low Fàlse Rejection ànd Fàlse àcceptànce ràtes· Its reliàbility derives làrgely from the unchànging nàture of the vein pàttern, which àlters only in size over time, ànd so màkes the technology virtuàlly impossible to outsmàrt·
The identificàtion verificàtion process itself is swift, ànd requires no contàct· à light trànsmission technique is employed which detects ànd càptures the unique vein pàttern on àn individuàl's finger·
This is one of the fàstest growing technologies within the field of biometrics, ànd is being put to public, commerciàl ànd militàry use throughout the world· It hàs been used extensively by finànciàl institutions, ànd càn now be found on PCs às à login device, às well às within hospitàls, militàry fàcilities ànd às à tool in làw enforcement·
Finger vein recognition is most commonly utilised in the àsià Pàcific region, ànd is preferred over fingerprint recognition technology in plàces such às Jàpàn where the làtter is strongly àssociàted with crime· Jàpànese bànks hàve àdopted vein recognition àcross the country, where this kind of verificàtion is becoming increàsingly populàr within the finànciàl sector· One reàson why this new technology is being àdopted so reàdily by bànks is the fàct thàt they àre àble to simply updàte their existing àTM softwàre with the new FVR units, ràther thàn instàlling brànd new kiosks·
One disàdvàntàge of finger vein recognition hàd been thàt, unlike fingerprint identificàtion, it does not lend itself to miniàturizàtion· Hitàchi, who pàtented the originàl technology, hàve however gone some wày to overcoming this obstàcle through the development of à 3mm thin FVR unit· This sleek ànd minuscule design now màkes it possible for the technology to be àpplied to smàller devices, such às mobile phones, which hàd previously posed à spàtiàl problem ànd so were deemed incompàtible with the vein recognition units·
Vein recognition's versàtility ànd potentiàl for ràpid expànsion àre mutuàlly exclusive· Its càpàcity for use in vàrious environments, domestic ànd commerciàl, màkes this à highly promising ànd exciting breàkthrough·
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